Favourites || July ’16

Another month has been, more favourites have been discovered. From make-up to music there’s a bunch of things I’ve been loving and you can read all about them here:

“Interstellar” Watch – Woven Oak


I follow a bunch of people on Instagram who make their own jewellery, from rings, to bracelets, to watches. I spend a lot of time scrolling through their profiles, adoring their beautiful creations, but never actually purchasing them. A lot of the time it’s because I’ve already gone and spent my money on other things, however this time I just couldn’t help myself. The second I saw this glittery watch with a crescent moon on the second hand, I just had to have it. Immediately I clicked on the link to her website and bought it for an absolute bargain – £10. I did happen to spot another watch from Woven Oak just a few moments later, a blue face with constellations on it. Damn it. Still though, the simplicity of the Interstellar watch means it goes with pretty much everything and though I’m by no means a minimalist, it sure will suit that style too. I definitely recommend Woven Oak, not only for pretty designs, but also great service as the watch was posted first class the very next day so I really didn’t have to wait too long after ordering at all.

“Kitten Heels” Liquid Suede Cream Lipstick – NYX


When my sister mentioned that the Boots back at home had a brand new NYX counter I just had to make a visit. It strikes me odd that the city of Southampton is entirely NYX-less, yet my humble little hometown is kitted out with a lovely collection of the make-up brand, but hey, at least I was making a trip home anyway. I actually got this particular lipstick from Bluewater Shopping Center when looking for something to match my dress for Naomi’s wedding as the NYX products I bought earlier in the week didn’t quite go. The Kitten Heels shade is a really vibrant red to make your lips pop – more bright and fun than deep and intense, perfect for summer. The cream texture makes for a really smooth application, it is soft without being sticky and sets quickly without drying out the lips. I’m still not sure if it’s my ‘signature red’ as it is super bright, but I guess if you’re going for something as bold as a red lipstick you may as well go all out, so we’ll see.

All-In-One Comb – Swissco


I spend a lot of time combing out the tangles in my hair, trying to fix the knotted mess that comes after every hair wash. I decided to stop brushing it all out (a big no no for wet hair apparently) and look for something a little easier on my delicate hair. Normally I’d go to Boots, and perhaps people would suggest a Tangle Teaser, but I decided to see what Tk Maxx had to offer. I was drawn to this funny looking comb and then noticed that the packaging said ‘Tease, Detangle and Style’. Perfect. The widest bit of the comb is just what I need at the start of detangling, then I use the other side to brush out any knots it may have missed. Paired with Lush’s Sunny Day anti-static detangling spray, it really really works a treat. The long pointed tail is an extra little bonus for fixing partings and sorting my hair into sections for when I decide to be a bit more adventurous than my normal ‘hair down in waves’ look.

Turnover – Peripheral Vision album


This may have been released last year, but it’s only now that I’m discovering its beauty. After seeing Grimes in Bristol last month, Gemma put this on in the car and I was just totally enamoured by it, so I decided to explore it a little later when I got home. Even though it didn’t quite have the same effect when not sat in the car late at night with the sky in an array of gorgeous colours, I still wanted to play it over and over again. It reminds me of the music I listened to at school, except it’s a little different, almost as if those bands I enjoyed back then have grown up with me. It’s not exactly a ridiculous thought, everyone grows, so who’s to say their music wouldn’t evolve with them, with us? There are elements of the pop-rock vibes that got me through my GCSEs, just now there are dreamy melodies, almost verging into the chill wave genre. I think that’s why I enjoy it so much. It’s both nostalgic and in line with my music taste today and there’s something really comforting in that.

Stranger Things – Netflix series


I started watching this after a lot of hype on Facebook. Nearly everyone I know was talking about it. Stranger Things is very 80s, a spooky sci-fi series that takes elements of The Goonies with the young central characters, and almost a Twin Peaks kind of feel with the supernatural feeling and uncertainty of other characters in the town. At least that’s what I get from it. After watching the first two episodes I knew I’d end up writing about it here, but I didn’t expect to have finished it by now. Yet here I am, ready for a second season. The story revolves around the disappearance of a young boy and the intriguing journey to find him. There’s super powers, monsters, and a lot of great music. What’s not to love?


Thanks for being sweet and reading this, check out my Twitter and Instagram (@samaanthamae) for quick updates of my nonsense.

Author: Samantha Mae

Hi! I am a music and lifestyle blogger based near Margate, UK. Forever keeping an ear out for new music, particularly anything of the indie persuasion and always willing to spout on about life in general. Open to collaboration and new ideas, get in touch!

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